Collection: Manchester United Hoodies

Here, you will find all the Manchester United-inspired hoodies we sell, from modern player signs to retro-inspired hoodies.

MUFC Jackets & Hoodies

Over the years Manchester United have produced a number of jackets, coats and hoodies. These have been produced since the 1970s and now there are all kinds of jackets on offer every season. In the 70s and 80s, it was mainly training jackets that were worn for multiple seasons. In the 1990s there were more beck and training coats. In more recent years we've seen more training jackets, track tops and "anthem jackets" than ever before. 

Types of jackets

1970s & 1980s

- Standard training jackets and coats

1990s - Mainly Umbro

- Bench winter coats

- Summer training jackets

2000s - Nike

- Range of jackets and training tops

- Branded coats and jackets

2010 onwards - Nike & Adidas

- Tracksuit jackets

- Branded coats

- "Anthem jackets" pre-match zip tops